- First paragraph
- Kind of meeting (membership, special, adjourned)
- Name of association
- Date, place and time of meeting
- Quorum established
- Presence and names of president and secretary or names of their alternates
- Details of whether minutes of previous meeting were read (or printed and distributed) and approved (or approved as corrected)
- Names of members present (usually in board or committee meetings with 20 or less members) may be included or attach a sign-in sheet, but this is not required.
- Second paragraph: Treasurer’s report
- Beginning balance (ending balance at last meeting)
- Total receipts (since last meeting)
- Total disbursements (since last meeting)
- Ending balance (current meeting date)
- Attach report to the minutes
- Third paragraph: Communications read
- Fourth paragraph: Reports of the board, standing committees, special committees (copies of reports may be attached to minutes)
- Unfinished and New Business Motions--Separate paragraph for each subject covered
- All main motions (except those withdrawn), name of maker of motion, second, disposition of motion, whether adopted or not adopted
- Announcement of previous notice of motions to be made at a later meeting
- Points of order and appeals, whether sustained or lost
- Number of votes for and against on a vote by ballot or a counted vote
- Number of votes per person for plurality or ballot election
- Program topic, method of presentation, names of participants
- Announcements
- Time of adjournment – no motion necessary
- Signature, typed or printed name and title of secretary (“Respectfully submitted” is not used in signed minutes)
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