At the 2021 New Jersey PTA Leadership Convention, the delegates approved a new Local PTA Generic Bylaws Procedure. No longer are the days that you must renew your bylaws every three years. All Local PTAs in New Jersey will have the same bylaws.
Due to this change, all Local PTAs will now create Standing Rules. Standing Rules are procedures or general policies not covered in the bylaws that provide for the day-to-day operations of your Local PTA. We know that some Local PTAs across the state already have Standing Rules, but many do not.
The goal is to have your new Standing Rules approved by your General Membership by October 1, 2021. You are not in this alone; New Jersey PTA is hard at work creating new resources, training opportunities, and webinars to assist you in the creation of your new Local PTA Standing Rules. Please be on the lookout for upcoming e-mails and information. If you have any questions on Standing Rules, please e-mail us at We will also ask for you to upload a copy of your approved Standing Rules to MemberHub so New Jersey PTA may assist you when you have any questions.
If you already have Standing Rules, you need to ensure that you have included the information required in the new Sample Standing Rules; this will now include: Local PTA Dues Amount, Officer Terms, Term Lengths, Standing Committee positions, etc. If you do not yet have Standing Rules, the template is ready to be updated by your team. Until your new Standing Rules are approved - all of this information currently in your Local PTA Bylaws will stay in effect.
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