Approved: 2008
No action has been taken on this resolution since 2008.
Whereas, Calcium is an essential mineral for building strong bones and teeth during the growing years of childhood and youth; and
Whereas, Several government surveys reveal that many of the nation's schoolchildren, females 12 years of age and older have calcium intakes below the recommended dietary allowances (RDA) on any given day; and
Whereas, Through nutrition research, a low calcium intake from the formative years to about age fort appears to be a critical factor in later years in the susceptibility to osteoporosis, a painful and crippling bone disease; and
Whereas, The trend of using commercial calcium supplements (pills), as well as calcium-fortified foods, is being promoted to ensure adequate intake of calcium without regard to the dangers of overconsumption or form (chemical composition); and
Whereas, Evidence suggests that most healthy individuals can take up to 2500 mg a day with little health risk, medical consultants advise those with a personal family history of kidney stones or peptic ulcers not to take calcium supplements without a physician's approval; and
Whereas, In the case of young children consuming adequate calcium-rich foods including milk fortified with vitamin D and exposure to sunlight as well as physical exercise should ensure adequate calcium and vitamin D intake; therefore be it
Resolved, That New Jersey PTA recommends to parents that they follow the advice of scientists and nutrition experts that children's diets consist of a variety of nutrient-dense foods including calcium-rich foods, and that participation in outdoor physical exercise be encouraged rather than substitute nutrient supplements (pills) for a nutritious diet.
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